Common Car Air Conditioning System Issues

mobile car repairs collingwood parkThe air conditioning system is an important component of any vehicle. It cools and conditions the air in your car for the passengers to feel comfortable while riding along, particularly on hot summer days. The air could get pretty stale without a properly functioning A/C system. It also prevents moisture from the air and keeps the windows from fogging up.

Of course, maintaining the air condition system in your car is key to a comfortable ride. To maintain a properly working air conditioning unit in your car, it can be helpful to know the common air conditioning problems. Here are common air conditioning system issues that you should look out for:

Contaminate refrigirant. Contaminants and debris may build up and eventually clog the system. It may cause the A/C hoses to deteriorate and affect the efficiency of the system. This problem may exhaust the A/C components and damage the system. That could mean costly repairs.

Leaks. When hoses, seals or gaskets of the A/C system develop a leak, the entire system is forced to work harder and less efficiently. An exhausted air conditioning system could spell trouble for your car and your pocket.

When you notice any issues with your air conditioning system, do not ignore it. Talk to your trusted auto repair shop about A/C system services. If any of components are not working properly, they can check up the unit and repair the problem of your car A/C system. It is best to have a periodic checkup to maintain a properly working air conditioning system in your car.


Signs You Need To Change Your Wipers

mobile car repairs ipswichDo you really need to change the wipers in your car? Well, of course, you do. The problem with wipers is that most drivers do not realise that they need to change them until heavy rains start to fall. If your wipers have already deteriorated, your windshield will be left with an uneven wipe that will leave you without a clear view of the road.

To check the quality of your car wipers, make sure to check them once a month and if you find something wrong with them, better replace them right away.

Here are some signs that your wipers need new quality blades:

Worn rubber. It is natural for your wipers to worn out especially as it ages so once you find that the rubbers are worn, just replace them with a new one.

Chattering. They can also develop a chattering sound as they pass across the windshield. This occurs as the rubber create a curve when they are not mostly used.

Streaking. Streaking can happen when the rubber becomes hard and develop cracks. The windshield can also get this from tree sap, road tar and other foreign substances getting in contact with them.

Split rubber. The rubber can be affected by the sun’s ultraviolet rays or simply because the rubber is too old.

Bent wiper frame. Accidents can happen and the wiper can also be bent mostly in automatic car washes.

Wipers may not be one of your top priorities when it comes to adding more accessories to your car but it is one of the most important components on your vehicle that give you more clear visibility while driving on the road. So, if you see that your wipers need replacing, do not hesitate to replace them.

Helpful Tips For A Worry-Free Winter Driving

mobile car repairs riverviewSince it is still winter and driving your vehicle especially when the snow is heavily falling may become difficult, it is best to gear your vehicle up and hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. There are seasonal car checkups that you can do to ensure that you and your passengers are safe while also ensuring that the car operates efficiently during the winter months.

Here are some tips to help you prepare for a worry-free winter driving:

Have a box full of winter supplies. This is the best and most important thing you can do for your car now that the winter is here. Place your winter supply in the trunk as this can be very helpful if something goes wrong while travelling on a cold day.

Your box should include the following:

  • Flashlight
  • First-aid kit
  • A few blankets
  • Road flares
  • A change of warm clothes
  • Extra pairs of gloves
  • A radio
  • A charged cellphone for emergency calls
  • An extra ice scraper
  • Some high-energy snacks

Check the engine. Be particular in checking the engine coolant and antifreeze levels since, without them, your engine can freeze which can be dangerous if you become stranded somewhere. You can also bring a kit for checking the engine coolant levels which can be found in every auto supply store. To check the antifreeze, follow the instructions in your car’s manual. But if you feel you do not understand this and you want to be careful, you can have a certified mechanic check it for you.

Check your tire pressure. Good tires will help keep you safe on the road especially during winter. So make sure that the tire pressure is good and your tires needed air is filled.